2024 Milestones in Marshal Ship Management’s Seafarer Training and Cadet Induction Programme

Seafarer Training and Cadet Induction Programme

At Marshal Ship Management we are committed to adding value to the lives of our most-valued asset – our seafarers. To achieve this objective, we incrementally add and include new developments in technology to our various trainings for seafarers and also constantly endeavour to keep adding new courses. In 2024 the following trainings were added:

For deck side, we have added various courses like Risk Assessment and Ratings Safety Induction
For Engineers, we have commenced Basic Marine Hydraulics and SEEMP to name just a few.
For Catering department, courses such as Safe Working Practices in Galley and Mess Room Operation have been added this year.

Inhouse training

Upwards of 1240 seafarers have been trained in-house during 2024. For inhouse training we have successfully developed and deliver online 18 different competency training courses for Deck and Engine Officers and Deck, Engine and catering ratings. This list includes training courses using navigational bridge and engine room cloud simulators.

External training in approved maritime training centres (MTC)

In 2024, we arranged for the training of 672 seafarers in external MTCs. We make multiple value-added training courses available for our seafarers of all ranks in external MTCs worldwide. Before sending our officers and ratings for training we carefully select the best maritime training centres across major locations where our seafarers are, ensuring that training courses actually provide added value. Approval procedure includes review and coordination of course syllabus, followed by onsite audit of the training centre and observing Pilot course delivery.

Onboard training

Onboard training system comprises:

• CBT training, which can be accessed on any mobile device via Wlink Wi-Fi without any charges. Any personal device, i.e., mobile phone, tablet, laptop connected to the ship’s Wi-Fi can be used for this purpose.

• VRBT training using VR-goggles, which provide high-quality practical engagement in real-life training topics and scenarios.

Crew members showing active involvement in CBT and VRBT training with 800 – 1000 VRBT and 1800 – 2000 CBT completed monthly across the fleet.

Cadet Induction Programme

In 2024, MSM selected Deck, Engine and Electrical cadets from Georgia, India, Russia, Pakistan, Ukraine and Philippines.

Presently we have 195 cadets onboard 79 of our vessels. 151 cadets have been promoted to officers’ positions and 111 of them have joined the vessels already.

These cadets were selected based on their academic grade, results of professional CES and psychological tests and interviews with Training Managers. Before joining MSM, induction is provided to them.

Thereafter, they complete 12 months of ship board structured training as per the company standard. Training Managers give the cadet various projects to complete. Their progress is tracked and evaluated month-on-month.

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